More Energy

Joy Blog

Leanne Rose Dorish on how to find yourself

Leanne is a well-known guest on this podcast as one of the roundtable participants and I am super happy that Leanne agreed to be my guest once more! We talk about Leanne’s own story, about how you can find yourself and we also talk about the...

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Morning Affirmations for Setting My Intentions for the Day

If you’ve never heard about positive affirmations, I cheer you on, that you read this text! Being curious is the first step for learning new and awesome tools, which are free and you don't have to tell anybody that you use them. (If you want to...

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22 Facts about me - tell me yours ❤

Years ago there was a trend in the blog-world (back then Instagram didn’t exist yet) about a «20 facts about me» challenge. I still have a blogpost on this, where I sometimes go and fact-check my facts. I remember that I wrote: I...

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David Saint-Pierre on the power of fears and listening

I met David in the Bo Eason-group on Facebook and I’m super happy to get to know him in this talk. David tells us his story about how he became who he is today, how he went from struggling with expectations and limiting beliefs to living an...

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What brings you JOY?

This is my favorite exercise: Write down 100 things.

When I hand over this homework, I always imagine the shocked faces of my «JOY-students»: Whaaat 100 things? Are you crazy???

I was teaching food technology for 12 years at a professional...

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How tapping can help you

Tapping is my superpower tool!

Have you ever heard about tapping? EFT? Emotional Freedom Technique?
It looks and sounds so weird, you tap on different points on your face and body while you talk out loud, what stresses you out and what you want to...

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Coach Fard Bell on creating joy in every circumstance

I met Coach Fard Bell at a Speakers Mastermind Event where we had a lot of fun together, so I’m super happy to spend this hour talking with Fard who is at least as joyful as me. : ) He sparkles with joy while talking about his take on how to...

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Create your Morning Magic

When I was studying at the technical university, I lived with 3 guys in a shared apartement. Our alarms went off daily at 7:30am, we thought it is the middle of the night and that it's TOTALLY NOT POSSIBLE TO GET UP. «Are you getting up?»...

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The Regrets of The Dying

I was 17 when I was standing at the open grave on an ice cold December day. My tears streaming down felt warm on my cheeks. I saw my friend whispering «I love you» and dropping a rose on the coffin. It hit me so hard again and again: This...

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Junko Suzuki about taking the plunge to live your dreamlife

In this conversation I talk with Junko from Tokyo, whom I met during a Taiko drum workshop in Japan. We connected immediately and I‘m very happy to have this talk with Junko in which she gives us insights in how «living the life you...

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Random Act of Kindness

I love giving freely without expectations. I love surprises! I love to surprise people. And I love it even more, when I don't see the surprise-moment. I just imagine it in my head and hope, that exactly the right person found my present, my message,...

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Gain Energy by Meditating

Do you find meditation boring? Or did you never ever tried it and don't think that this is gonna happen anytime soon? Watch the video and challenge me. I bet I can convince you to at least try the golden bubble meditation - for free - without risk -...

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