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The Show must go on - or pause - but will continue : )

Sep 01, 2022

Listen to my announcement of how things will change from now on. It’s Episode #100 which is an amazing milestone and I’m very very thankful for the last two years and all my amazing guests!

The second announcement is, that the price of the Joy Academy will go up on September 22. If you want to book this life changing (not exaggerating in this one) program and create the life you really want full of magic and JOY while you let go of the things which don’t serve you anymore, NOW is a good time. The price is 1111$ for 12 months now and will go up to 3333$ on 22/09/22 : ). Payment plans are available at both prices, but I think 99$ per month for 12 months is the best offer you can get! So hurry up and book today:

The podcast is not stopping today immediately, no! You’ll get to listen to 3 amazing more interviews about finding love, moving to Costa Rica and creating internationally famous art in Zurich, Switzerland. At 22/11/11 I hit pause and promise you right now, that season 2 will be new, different and full of joy creation for sure. Listen to the episode if you want to know more.

Let’s stay in touch: @joyismycompass on tiktok and instagram. Or sign up for my Joy-letter HERE.

Take gooood care of yourself and be kind to you and the people you spend time with. 

Big hug



PS: Fill out the Joyometer and collect all those blissful moments throughout your week and print the Joy Cards to bring some JOY into your neighborhood, with a joyful message on a park bench or lantern post. : )

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